Usage Metrics
  • 05 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Usage Metrics

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Article summary

Usage Metrics Availability

The Admin Dashboards containing usage metrics are only available to teams on the Enterprise plan.


This article discusses how Team Admins can view usage metrics such as the volumes of active users, connected databases, and dashboards and charts that have been created.

Available Metrics

The following usage metrics are available to teams on the Enterprise plan today.

Usage MetricDefinition
Monthly active usersThe number of users who have visited a workspace in the previous 28 days.
Weekly active usersThe number of users who have visited a workspace in the previous 7 days.
Daily active usersThe number of users who have visited a workspace in the previous 24 hours.
Dashboard: Last 28 day member countThe number of unique users who have accessed a dashboard in the previous 28 days.
Dashboard: Last 28 day view countThe number of times a dashboard was viewed in the previous 28 days.
Active dashboards over timeThe number of dashboards with at least one view in the previous month, week, or day.
Chart: Last 28 day member countThe number of users who have accessed a chart in the previous 28 days
Chart: Last 28 day view countThe number of times a chart was viewed in the previous 28 days.
Active charts over timeThe number of charts with at least one view in the previous 28 days, 7 days, or 24 hours.

Access the Admin Dashboard

From Preset Manager, select Manage Team and click on Usage Metrics.
Preset Manager.png

Preset Manager Usage Metrics.png

Apply Filters

You can filter to view usage metrics for specific workspaces, dashboards, and/or charts. Select the corresponding filters in the "Dashboard filter bar".

Dashboard filters are specific to the visualizations!

Filtering on "Team Member Workspace" filters down the visualizations in the "Team Members" section, but not those in the "Dashboards" and "Charts" sections.

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