  • 14 May 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Release notes tag.png

May 2, 2024

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Databases) Updated Dremio database configurations to support certificates
  • (Databases) Added Dremio support for datetime[ms]
  • (Databases) Fixed an issue where % in queries were getting duplicated to %%

Release notes tag.png

April 22, 2024

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Chart Builder) Fixed an issue where users were unable to reorder metrics within the control panel
  • (Chart Builder) Operators such as > , < , and = were not being properly displayed in Conditional Formatting on tables

Release notes tag.png

April 18, 2024

New Features

  • (Databases) Added a database level configuration to disable Drill to Detail. This can be found in the Advanced section of your database connections in Preset
  • (Charts) Added an “On dashboards” column to the Charts list, which allows users to see which dashboards a chart has been added to

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Dashboards) Users with the workspace role “Viewer” are able to use the Drill By feature again
  • (Dashboards) Added the ability to navigate through dashboard titles, charts, and chart controls using keyboard navigation
  • (Dashboards) Added labels for screen readers on dashboard filters and search
  • (Dashboards) Added a border to show the rows that will be changed when using the move, delete, or settings icon on the left side of dashboard edit mode
  • (Dashboard Filters) Made a fix so that screen readers can access the filter values that are used in the “Applied filters” tooltip
  • (Charts) Fixed an error where queries containing the word constructor would return an error
  • (Charts) Fixed a bug where some time shift data would not be showing when using a Time Shift in Advanced Analytics alongside a Row Limit configuration
  • (Chart Builder) When dragging a metric from the dataset panel in the Chart Builder to the control panel, the drop indicator will more clearly show the valid areas where a metric can be dropped
  • (Chart Builder) Increased timeout on chart annotation layers
  • (Chart Builder) When a chart has one remaining temporal filter, clicking the X will now clear the filter values rather than showing the user a warning message to not remove the last temporal filter
  • (Datasets) When using the latest_partition('table_name') Jinja macro, any leading or trailing whitespace will be removed from the table name
  • (SQL Lab) Comments in executed queries are no longer stripped
  • (SQL Lab) Improved the error that is displayed when there is a syntax error in a query
  • (Homepage) Users who don’t have access to charts and queries will no longer see those tabs in the Homepage

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April 11, 2024

New Features

  • (Alerts & Reports) Users can now select a PDF option when creating an Alert or a Report
    Report PDF.png

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Chart Builder) Improved performance and rendering of the dataset columns list in the left panel
  • (Chart Builder) The row count indicator in the top right of the chart builder has been updated to reflect the number of rows from the database, before any processing is done on the data. It will turn red when the row limit set in the control panel has been reached and the chart may be showing partial data.
  • (Chart Builder) Improved feedback on the Control Panel when the user is trying to drag and drop a column into a control area that is not allowed
  • (Charts) When charts are loading, additional information has been added to the spinner to help users understand the loading process
  • (Bar Charts) Fixed an issue where using “Stacked” mode and a Time Shift would stack all time shifts in the same bar. Different times shifts will now show as their own stacked bars.
  • (Bar Charts) In horizontal bar chart mode, the chart legend no longer overlaps with the content of the bar chart
  • (Dashboards) When editing a dashboard, hovering over the menu icons on rows now shows the border of the entire row, clarifying the charts that will be affected by any changes
  • (Datasets) Added a new Jinja macro {{ metric('metric_key', dataset_id) }} to retrieve metric syntax from a dataset so that it can be re-used in charts, SQL Lab, datasets, etc.

Release notes tag.png

Mar 27, 2024

New Features

  • (Dashboards) Improved drag and drop usability when creating or editing dashboards. Users will now see clearer and larger drop areas when moving dashboard content around


  • (Alerts & Reports) New modal for setting up Alerts & Reports in a linear process, with better grouping of the configuration fields. 1

  • (Permissions) Row Level Security rules no longer require setting up an empty Data Access Role and can now be associated to any Data Access Role

  • (Permissions) Data Access Roles and Row Level Security can now be set up for invited users who have not yet accepted their invites. Search for them using their email address and “Pending Invite” in the user list.

  • (dbt) Preset’s dbt integration has been upgraded to support the new metric and measure schemas introduced in newer versions of dbt, which provides a path for upgrading to dbt 1.6 and 1.7 2


  • (Dashboard Filter Boxes) Old dashboard Filter Box chart types have been migrated to the filter bar. Any previous filter boxes have been updated to Markdown components in the dashboard and can be removed by a dashboard owner.
  • (Sunburst Charts) Sunburst charts have been automatically migrated to the new Sunburst chart type
  • (Datasets) Added validation on date formats. Format %Y%m%d is not currently supported and will show the user an error, please migrate these dates to a supported format such as %Y/%m/%d
  • (Redirects) Short URL links with format /r/{id} from 1.5 years ago or older will no longer redirect

Enhancements and Fixes


  • (SSH Tunnelling) Fixes an issue where SSH tunnels were not being removed properly from database connection configurations
  • (SSH Tunnelling) Added an error message when the port in the database configuration form was missing
  • (Clickhouse) Fixed an issue where datasets couldn’t be created if SimpleAggregateFunction was used
  • (Pinot) Addressed an issue where epoch ms timestamps and datetime conversions were incorrect
  • (Trino) Fixed an error that occurred when fetching Hudi table schemas


  • (Creation) Added additional data access validation during virtual dataset creation
  • (Configuration) Dataset extra configuration option {"disallow_adhoc_metrics":true} will only allow dragging and dropping saved metrics to the Chart Builder Metrics field


  • (Data Zoom) The data zoom tool now changes orientation when the chart orientation is updated from horizontal to vertical
  • (Resample) Fixed an issue where the Resample Fill Methods were not working correctly if the time index was present
  • (Results) Fixed an issue where the Results tab in the Chart Builder would sometimes display an infinite spinning icon
  • ( Multiple Layer Chart) Added Heatmap and Contour Layers to the Multiple Layer Chart
  • (Gauge Chart) Fixed the color boundaries when interval bounds and a minimum value are set
  • (Heatmap) Numeric X and Y axes are now sorted correctly
  • (Mixed Chart) Label colors specified in Dashboard properties are now applied properly
  • (Time Series Charts) The Y-axis format is correctly applied when contribution mode has a value other than ‘None’
  • (Time Series Table) Negative time lag values are now allowed, making it possible to compare to the beginning of the time range
  • (World Map) Repositioned the Overseas departments and regions of France (DROM) to be displayed in one view and improved the rendering of the map view of France


  • (Dashboard Creation and Editing) Fixed an issue where table chart types were displaying larger than their chart container when dragging to move them in dashboard creation and edit modes
  • (Filters) When set to a slider, the dashboard filters now slide properly for values between 0 and 1
  • (Performance) Charts now display additional information on the loading spinner about the status of the chart load
  • (Permissions) Users will now see an error message and be redirected to the Dashboards page when trying to access a dashboard they don’t have permissions to see using a permalink


  • (Performance) Improved the initial loading time for SQL Lab
  • (Tabs) SQL Lab no longer shows invalid placeholder text when closing a tab
  • (Tabs) Added back the placeholder image for query results in a new SQL Lab tab
  • (Tabs) Fixed an issue where closing a tab that had been removed in another window would throw errors
  • (Tabs) The cursor saves its position when switching between SQL Lab tabs
  • (Left Panel) Fixed an issue where Databases weren’t appearing correctly when typing into the search bar
  • (Results) Fixed an error that caused the json modal in SQL Lab results that contain json blobs to be flaky
  • (History) Addressed an issue where SQL Lab history would display errors

Alerts & Reports

  • (Configuration) Updates the Screenshot Width configuration option to accept only numeric values
  • (Logs) When alerts fail, the logs no longer show query and query result information for security purposes


  • (API) The owners field on datasets and charts is no longer lost if it is not included in the update payload
  • (dbt) Updated UI to allow specifying custom dbt Cloud API URLs when setting up the database sync
  • (Embedded) The Embedded SDK will no longer fire requests to refresh the guest token after the embedded iFrame is unmounted
  • (Embedded) New Macro {{url_param()}} fetches parameter values from the dashboard URL
  • (Errors) Addressed an issue where errors and messages in the bottom right of the application would be duplicated
  • (List Views) Fixed a bug where selected filters on the list view were not applied when changing the sort order
  • (List Views) When refreshing the list views, the sort order is retained
  • (List Views) User will be redirected to the first page of a list view if an invalid page is entered
  • (Imports) Added a validation to prevent users with limited permissions to import charts and dashboards that already exist
  • (Jinja) New Macro {{curent_user_email()}} is added that can support applying RLS based on the logged in user
  • (Permissions) Improves performance on page load of the Data Access Roles page
  • (Queries) A limit is no longer applied to SELECT * queries in databases that don’t support LIMIT
  • (Queries) Adds dashboard_id and renamed slice_id to chart_id in comments to queries that are run, when the feature flag to enable query logs is enabled 2
  • (Tags) Fixed an issue where dashboards with duplicated tags were sometimes not deleting properly
  • (Uploads) Corrected a data type on the CSV and Columnar upload forms

1: Available on the Professional and Enterprise plans only.
2: Available on the Enterprise plan only.

Earlier Releases

See Preset's product announcement blog for key updates.

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