Creating Charts from SQL Queries
  • 13 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creating Charts from SQL Queries

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Article summary


When you are explore your data using SQL Lab its quick and easy to create a chart, even before saving your query as a dataset. In this page, we'll be going through how to create a chart directly from a SQL query and then save that query as a virtual dataset.

Process Overview

Starting From SQL Lab

  1. Begin by going to SQL Lab from the header menu by hovering over the dropdown labeled SQL and selecting SQL Lab
  2. From this interface, select your database and schema, then write your SQL query. 
  3.  Run your SQL query by selecting the blue "Run" button
  4.  Under the Results tab, below the editor, select "Create Chart". This will open a new browser tab with the Chart Builder interface. Note that the "Chart Source" is listed as SQL and shows the query you created. 
  5.  Create your chart -- check out our Create a Chart guide or Chart Walkthroughs for more information on building your chart.
  6.  Once you are happy with your chart and are satisfied with your query, it's time to save your chart and make your query into a dataset. 
  7.  Click on the light blue "Save As" button in the top right hand side of the Chart Builder. 
  8.  Fill out the prompt with the chart name and dataset name and click "Save".
  9.  In the chart builder, you will now see that the chart source is the dataset that you created.

Now you are able to re-use this query as a virtual dataset to power more charts.


If you find yourself using this virtual dataset often and are seeing slow performance, it is best practice to then actualize this dataset as a table in your database, so that you can use it as a physical dataset. See these pages for more info on Physical and Virtual Datasets.

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