Migrating Charts
  • 13 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Migrating Charts

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Article summary

👤 This documentation is intended for Limited Contributors, Secondary Contributors, Primary Contributors, and Workspace Admins. Check with your Team Admin for additional access.


Migrating charts consists of exporting the charts(s) from the source Workspace, and then importing them on the destination Workspace. The export process generates a ZIP file that includes the following:

  • The selected charts

  • The datasets powering the charts

  • The databases used on the datasets

There are two ways to migrate charts:

  • Using the Preset UI

  • Using the Preset API

Annotation Layer

Annotation layers will not be migrated with charts / dashboards and will have to be re-created in the destination workspace.

Migrate Charts through the Preset UI

Export process

  1. Access the source Workspace.

  2. Navigate to Charts in the top navigation bar.

Here, you'll find a list of all charts on your Workspace. 

If you want to export a single chart, hover your mouse over it and click on the Export Icon under the Actions column.

Alternatively, you can export multiple charts at once, by following below steps:

  1. Click BULK SELECT, on the top right corner.

  2. Select the charts to be exported.

  3. Click EXPORT.

Both approaches would generate a ZIP file for you to import in the destination Workspace.

Import process

  1. Access the destination Workspace.

  2. Navigate to Charts in the top navigation bar.

  3. Click on the Import Icon at the top right corner.

  4. Click SELECT FILE to upload the ZIP file.

  5. Click IMPORT.

Even though the ZIP file from an export includes the database(s) used by the chart(s), for security reasons, the file doesn't include the password(s) used for the database connection(s). In case the database(s) aren't connected to Preset in the destination Workspace yet, you'll be prompted to enter the database password(s) to successfully establish the connection(s).

Separately, in case the chart already exists on the destination Workspace, you'll be prompted to overwrite it.

Migrate Charts Using the Preset API

This process requires access to the Preset API

The Preset API is only available on the Enterprise Plan.

Users can use the Export Charts endpoint and the Import a Chart endpoint documented on our API documentation.

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