Dashboard Embedding
  • 14 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Dashboard Embedding

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Article summary

Dashboard Embedding

Dashboard Embedding is an add-on available on the Enterprise and Professional plans. The feature is included in a trial of the Professional plan. Existing customers interested in trying out Dashboard Embedding can also contact us.


Dashboard embedding enables you to embed a dashboard hosted in a Preset Cloud workspace into your own application via an iframe. It provides a great opportunity to bring insightful data analytics directly into your native environment. This feature can be used by a variety of different stakeholders, such as a Product team adding analytics to their SaaS application or a Data team adding dashboards to their internal tools.

In addition, Embedded includes easy-to-use security controls, such as restricting the domains that are allowed to embed your dashboards and also enforcing row-level security rules to maintain access to data.

Starting with Embedded

In this chapter, we've organized the dashboard embedding process into two steps: preparation and deployment.

  • The preparation stage involves the collection of specific Preset asset data, such as a team ID and workspace domain — this step does not require any particular technical expertise.
  • The deployment step is focused on installing the Preset Embedded SDK to embed the dashboard in your application. This step may require some development experience.

Let's have a closer look at some specific features of dashboard embedding with Preset.

Access Control and Security

Dashboard embedding offers a number of security features designed to provide flexible access control without compromising your infrastructure.

Authentication can be configured using your app's authentication and access can be controlled programmatically with minimal coding — in fact, the entire embedding process can be launched in under 1 sprint. You retain control of your user's access at all times via data permissions and, specifically, what they can see in the dashboard(s).

Other key security features include:

  • Preset Cloud is certified as SOC2 Type2, PCI-DSS compliant
  • Row Level Security (RLS) rules for fine-grained permissions
  • Encryption for data in transit with TLS 1.3+
  • Encryption for data at rest with AES 256 encrypted storage
  • Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) process

How does access work?

Your host app defines access restrictions during the guest token generation (used by the Preset SDK to display the dashboard). When creating the token, it's possible to define:

  • RLS rules that can be applied to all datasets used by the dashboard(s) or specific dataset(s).
  • Which dashboards the user has access to.

In addition to this, data requests will be checked to make sure the queried dataset is actually used by the embedded dashboard being viewed.

The rules above are the only access restrictions that apply to the Embedded experience. Embedded dashboards are rendered in an iframe without cookie access, so any existing Preset session will not be active when viewing it. The embedded guest token is the only authorization method that will be used.

Next Steps

Don't have your application ready yet? Use our example app to validate the Preset Embedding experience!

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