Changelog Archive
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Changelog Archive

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Article summary

Release notes tag.png

Feb 22, 2024

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Embedded) Charts in Embedded dashboards now support the option to View as Table
  • (Dashboard) Fixed an issue where dashboards were displaying with the incorrect height
  • (Dashboard) Excluded headers from displaying in PDF exports
  • (Charts) Big Number charts with currencies now display values on one line
  • (SQL Lab) Fixed an issue where Apache Drill queries would return an error if there were no rows returned in the query results
  • (Databases) Firebolt now supports connections using Service Accounts
  • (Databases) init_commands can now be set on MySQL connections
  • (Security) Improved the display of the Description field of the Row Level Security modal

Release notes tag.png

Feb 15, 2024

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Databases) Fixed an issue where some SSH Tunnel database connections were failing
  • (Homepage) The Popular section of the home page no longer shows dashboards in draft status
  • (Charts) Custom column formatting now accepts custom d3 format values
  • (Charts) Fixed an issue where the table chart type header and content were misaligned
  • (Charts) Fixed an issue where the currency symbol was not appearing when the Small Number Format was set
  • (Charts) Charts using BigQuery connections no longer display an error if a metric or dimension name contain a special character
  • (Charts) Fixed an error where adding margins to horizontal bar charts would add it to the wrong side of the chart
  • (Tags) Tags containing colons : now display properly
  • (Security) Fixed an alignment issue in the Row Level Security modal
  • (Export) Saved queries can now be exported, even if the schema and table fields are not present

Release notes tag.png

February 7, 2024

New Features

  • (Security) Added chart id and dataset id as a comment in queries that are run for logging purposes. This feature is currently behind a feature flag, reach out to the Preset team to start using this feature. 1

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Database) Fixed an issue where IBM Db2 database connections were failing
  • (Charts) The Time Grain configuration option now appears for the Line Chart (Legacy) and Bar Chart (Legacy), and Area Chart (Legacy) chart types
  • (Charts) Filter values dropdowns in the Chart Builder now populate correctly for Athena databases when a NULL value is present
  • (Tags) The tag list now properly displays up to 25 tags per page
  • (Import) Charts that contain annotation layers will import without error. Annotation layers are not imported with the chart.

1: Available on the Enterprise plan only.

Release notes tag.png

January 24, 2024

New features

  • (Charts) Pie Charts and Funnel Charts have a new “Value and Percentage” Label Type option
  • (Databases) Added CelerData StarRocks support

Enhancements and Fixes

  • (Dashboards) When dragging charts or layout elements onto a dashboard, we increased the drop area to allow for ease of dashboard creation and editing.
  • (Charts) Fixed an issue where the chart menu would be disabled in full screen mode
  • (Charts) Added a new control to force numeric x-axis charts to categorical axes. This is disabled by default and can be used in cases where the axis should be sorted in a non-numeric way
  • (Charts) Fixed an issue where table charts were not correctly maintaining customizations when metrics were reordered
  • (Charts) Charts using the cumsum rolling function that have null values in the data will use zeros in place of nulls to avoid gaps from appearing in the chart
  • (Charts) Added example images in the chart selection page for some chart types
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed an error that would occur when Trino tables are not found
  • (Databases) We enabled the ability to filter databases by UUID via the API
  • (Databases) Fixed a DuckDB issue where schema dropdowns were showing multiple instances of the same schema
  • (Embedded) We fixed an issue where accessing an embedded dashboard would return a browser console error
  • (Embedded) The option to go into fullscreen mode is now hidden in embedded dashboards

Release notes tag.png

January 3, 2024

New features

  • (Chart) Handlebar charts now support CSS.
    Handlebars - CSS.gif

  • (Tags) The last tile in the pinned tags carousel on the homepage links to a single tag page for the pinned tag, allowing you to easily access other tagged items.
    Tags tile in homepage.gif

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Alerts) We added a tooltip clarifying that alert conditions need to return as double precision numbers.
  • (SQL Lab) We resolved an issue preventing hidden SQL Lab tabs from expanding.
  • (Dashboard) Titles with special characters now render correctly.
  • (Chart) In charts with a numeric x-axis, truncation controls on the x-axis have been added, defaulting to the minimum and maximum values from the data when lower and/or upper bounds are undefined.
  • (Chart) Charts now feature a default 90° x-axis label rotation, facilitating the display of labels on the x-axis with numerous data points.
  • (Chart) We addressed the intermittent display of 502 errors in some charts.

Release notes tag.png

December 13, 2023

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Meta database) We’ve added support for decimals in the meta database.
  • (Database) We now offer support for importing a database connection with a version set.
  • (Database) We’ve added support for Apache Doris.
  • (Dashboard) The dashboard filters now display more filter bar labels before truncation.
  • (SQL) You can now edit and save the ad-hoc column labels.
  • (Reports) Chart header controls are no longer displayed in reports.
  • (Tags) We have enhanced the hover state and redirect functionality of Preset Homepage tags.

Release notes tag.png

December 4, 2023

New features

  • (Homepage) Viewers and Dashboard Viewers can now land on the Preset Homepage after visiting a Preset workspace.
  • (Database) When deleting a workspace, databases created from file uploads in the workspace (e.g., CSV file uploads) are automatically deleted.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) We've updated the version field in the database configuration modal to be a string field instead of the previous number field.
  • (SQL Lab) We now display Duration as a separate column in the "Query History" view instead of as a tooltip on the Time column.
  • (Chart Builder) We fixed an issue in which pasting a value into a filter did not retain the value, causing an error when running the chart.
  • (Dashboard) We have improved the rendering performance of dashboard filters by reducing over-rendering.
  • (Tags) We made UI updates to enhance the experience of using tags in the Preset Homepage, including pinning tags in the order they were selected in the "Manage Tabs" modal.
  • (Tags) We've fixed an issue where the tag creation form is sticky (retains the previously created tag’s name) by clearing it by default.
  • (Tags) We fixed the issue so that a user without appropriate permission cannot see the "Create Chart" button or the "Pin Tags" option in the "Manage Tabs" modal.
  • (RLS) We renamed the "tables" field to "datasets."

Release notes tag.png

November 15, 2023


Instantly access a collection of charts and dashboards from the Preset Homepage using tags. You can now browse your organization’s tags or pin them as quick-access tabs on your homepage, allowing you to easily access or discover content relevant to your work.

Tags - release notes v2.png

New features

  • (SQL Lab) The "Format SQL" feature is now available to help you format SQL code in the query editor. You can also access the feature through a shortcut, ctrl + shift + f.

SQL Formatter.gif

  • (Chart) We have made enhancements to the waterfall chart type, including support for a non-temporal x-axis, series color selection, currency and time formatting, and the ability to use mixed data types in the x-axis.

Waterfall chart - update.png

  • (Homepage) Users with Viewer or Dashboard Viewer access now land on the Welcome Homepage upon logging into Preset, facilitating easier navigation and onboarding.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Dashboard) We’ve fixed an issue with the dashboard filter where the "Apply Filters" button remained disabled after clearing a single-value existing filter.
  • (Chart) We fixed an issue with a time grain filter applied to a dataset that uses Jinja templating.
  • (Chart) We fixed an issue where you couldn't save a mixed chart with a chart-level time filter when dashboard filters were in use.
  • (Dataset) You can now view the full SQL query in the "Edit dataset" modal, regardless of its length, making it easier to validate the query.
  • (RBAC) We fixed an issue where a user unintentionally became a chart owner when they added a chart to a dashboard they didn't want.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

November 1, 2023


Organize and discover relevant charts and dashboards with content tags
Tags are now available to help you organize your charts, dashboards, and saved queries in Preset and facilitate easier discovery, access, and collaboration among your team. Learn how to use tags.
Content tags - Search.gif

New features

  • (SQL Lab) We have added a "keyboard shortcuts" helper in SQL Lab to make it easier to look up and use shortcuts.
    SQL shortcuts.gif

  • (Chart Builder) Database and schema names are now visible when choosing a dataset for chart creation.
    Dataset schema.png

  • (Chart) You can now customize or disable tooltips for the funnel chart type.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Dashboard) Tooltips for filters in the horizontal bar are no longer truncated.
  • (SQL Lab) You can now open SQL Lab in a new browser tab when selecting "View in SQL Lab" from the charts.
  • (Import) We have ensured that old data source IDs are not referenced when importing charts into your Preset workspaces.
  • (Navigation Bar) We fixed an issue where the previous tab on the top navigation bar was highlighted when you landed on the "database" page.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

October 18, 2023

New features

  • (Chart) We’re introducing two new chart types in Preset: Waterfall charts and Bubble charts.
    New echarts.png

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Chart) We now support the ContourLayer in charts.
  • (Chart) We fixed the country borders in the India Country Map.
  • (Dashboard) We fixed issues where dates were not being formatted correctly in dashboard filters.
  • (Dashboard) All values in the column are displayed in the datetime (dttm) format in the dashboard filters when python_date_format is set for a column.
  • (Dashboard) Dashboard filters now render more quickly.
  • (Dataset) We improved the error messages for saving datasets for easier troubleshooting.
  • (SQL Lab) The “Save” button no longer flickers.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed the issue with icon alignment in the database/schema side menu bar.
  • (Alerts and Reports) We removed the duplicate items that appeared in the “Alerts and Reports” modal.1
  • (Row level security) In the “Add Rule” modal, we fixed the alignment issue with the “Add” and “Cancel” buttons.

1: Available on the Enterprise and Professional plans only.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

October 4, 2023

New features

  • (Audit logs) The following events are now available in the audit logs1
    • Downloading dashboards
    • Downloading charts from dashboards and from Chart Builder
    • Downloading saved queries

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Dashboard) When an existing RLS is updated, the changes are now reflected in dashboard filter configurations immediately.
  • (Chart) We fixed an issue with using custom SQL columns as the x-axis.
  • (Chart Builder) We fixed the issue in which you could not remove a chart filter on a chart placed on a dashboard with an active dashboard time range filter.
  • (SQL Lab) The command is_select works with UNION.
  • (Alerts and reports) We fixed the issue in which scheduled alert/report email notifications were intermittently missed or sent in duplicates.
  • (Reports) Reports are now correctly executed.
  • (Other) You can now export charts to Excel files with columns containing date/time with time zones.

1: Available on the Enterprise plan only.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

September 20, 2023

New features

  • (SQL Lab) You can now see the SQL queries in the results panel.
  • (Dashboard) Viewer and Dashboard Viewer workspace roles can now generate dashboard perma links to easily share dashboards with others.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) When uploading CSV files, columns with international timestamps (i.e., days before months) are correctly imported.
  • (Database) The placeholder values for the "Account" and "Database" fields on the Snowflake dynamic form display correctly.
  • (Chart Builder) Clearing the currency format in the "Customize Tab" no longer affects the currency format displayed in the chart.
  • (Chart Builder) The currency format is now applied to a table chart immediately without the need to select the number format.
  • (Chart Builder) In Treemaps, number and currency formatting no longer apply to numeric chart labels.
  • (Chart Builder) We fixed the issue in which all available filter options (rather than only those selected) apply to a chart when filters are set to "Dynamically Search All Filter Values."
  • (Chart) Dashboard time range filters now work correctly on charts that are initially updated with dashboard time range filters but are subsequently overwritten with new chart configurations.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

September 6, 2023

New features

  • (Database) You can now create a new database using the superset:// SQLAlchemy URI, allowing you to create a custom database by joining data from multiple databases or moving data from one database to another. Reach out to the Preset team to start using the feature (which is currently behind the feature flag).

Meta db.gif

*Note: Read a few tips to avoid running expensive queries.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) We now support the Spectrum-enabled Amazon Redshift driver, redshift+spectrum.
  • (Datasets) We introduced a checkbox in the “Edit Dataset” modal which requires you to opt into normalizing new dataset column names (i.e., allow column names to be case insensitive format).
  • (Dashboard) We fixed an issue where dashboard filter names were overflowing from the hover modals.
  • (Dashboard) Custom URL parameters are now preserved when toggling between normal and full-screen sizes.
  • (Dashboard) We have ensured that access to a dataset is granted within the confines of dashboard filters when a user is granted access to the dashboard via dashboard RBAC.
  • (Embedded dashboards) We have ensured that embedded dashboard viewers can properly see all visualizations in the dashboard (i.e., Role-based access is granted within the confines of the embedded dashboard).
  • (Embedded dashboards) Dashboards now load correctly when the URL contains a trailing “/” (slash).
  • (Chart) Conditional formatting properly works on cells with a value of 0.
  • (Chart) You can set the default format to the Heatmap using the Time Format control.
  • (Chart) The Calendar Heatmap accounts for timezone differences and correctly displays data for the specified time/dates.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed an issue so that the cursor (the scroll position) remains fixed after running a query.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

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August 23, 2023


Troubleshoot issues and ensure regulatory compliance with audit logs1. Admins can now track the team’s activities in Preset, such as workspace access, chart and dashboard updates (create/view/edit/delete), permission changes, and data download, from the past 30 days. Learn more.

Audit log.png

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) You can now connect MotherDuck, a cloud version of DuckDB, through SQL Alchemy.
  • (Chart) We fixed an issue in which tooltips did not disappear on the Heatmap chart.
  • (Chart) We fixed a bug in which the dataset names were being displayed as links inside the tooltips of dashboard chart cards.
  • (Chart) You can now add column and row subtotals in pivot tables.
  • (Chart) We added 5 Central Asia countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) to the country map chart.
  • (Chart Builder) We added currency controls in the control panels of the Chart Builder.
  • (Chart Builder) We clarified the various types of "save" actions for charts in the Chart Builder.
  • (SQL Lab) When writing long queries, the keyword tooltip now displays complete keyword names without collapsing them.
  • (Docs) We added README for database engine specifications which describe all their features and functionality. We also added a new command to test database engine specs, SQLAlchemy dialects, and database connections.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

August 9, 2023

New features

  • (Chart) Your legacy chart types are automatically updated to the new chart types when you import them into Preset from Superset (and vice versa).

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Chart) In's Path and Polygon charts, we updated the default unit of line width from meters to pixels to make the line more visible in large-scale maps.
  • (Chart) In tooltips, hovered data series are no longer highlighted.
  • (Dataset) You can now update the dataset_uuid in exported YAML files to point charts to a different dataset, and reimport the file to overwrite your chart.
  • (Dataset) We fixed the schema to be passed to a virtual dataset created from SQL Lab.
  • (Dataset) You can now create datasets from tables that contain slashes in their table names.
  • (Dataset) We improved the performance of the dataset creation flow for database schemas containing more than 10,000 tables.
  • (Dashboard) We resized the width of the modal for setting up dashboard filters.
  • (Dashboard) We fixed an error that occurs when you delete dashboard filters that are in use.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed the margin style of the horizontal scroll bar for the query results.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

July 26, 2023

New features

  • (SQL Lab) We introduced a new shortcut (ctrl + shift + enter) to automatically detect the range of the current query, select, and run it more easily.

SQL query selection shortcut 1.gif

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) We fixed the issue where SSH tunnels could not be created through the UI modal. 1
  • (Database) We fixed an issue where users were unable to edit databases that have SSH tunnels configured.1
  • (Dataset) When importing datasets, the extra key for datasets functions even if it has an empty string (extra: "").
  • (Dashboard) Dashboard filter validation and the “Clear All” feature only apply to filters in scope.
  • (Dashboard) We made improvements to avoid repeated colors in the same charts on dashboards that had shared labels across tabs.
  • (Chart) The time grain filters on dashboards are now correctly applied to the pivot tables.
  • (Chart) You can no longer add a chart to a dashboard not owned by the chart owner.
  • (Report) We brought back the ability to edit an existing report without specifying the custom width.2

1: Available on the Enterprise plan only.
2: Available on the Enterprise and Professional plans only.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

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July 12, 2023


  • Preset charts now support multiple currency formats. You can configure the currency format for saved dataset metrics and display it in selected charts1. Supported currencies include"USD", "EUR", "GBP", "INR", "MXN", "JPY", "CNY", and more.

Currency formatter 1.gif

New features

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) We added connection support for the DuckDB database.
  • (Database) Column names have been denormalized as applicable, allowing dashboard filters to function correctly on datasets created from the Oracle database.
  • (Dashboard) We resolved the issue of infinite loading errors that occurred when the horizontal dashboard filter contained the first filter value out of scope.
  • (Dashboard) We fixed the issue where the dashboard time filter sometimes did not work properly on a chart newly added to a dashboard.
  • (Dashboard) We’ve improved the dynamic numeric search in dashboard filters to return more accurate results.
  • (Chart) We fixed an issue where a new dataset saved from SQL Lab displayed an error in Chart Builder.
  • (Chart) The totals in stacked charts now calculate correctly when interacting with the legend.
  • (Chart) Double-clicking a series value in stacked charts exclusively selects the series.
  • (Chart) Big numbers are now rendered properly in all charts.
  • (Chart) We fixed the error that occurred when searching for a dashboard in the chart list view.
  • (Chart Builder) Metric names are no longer truncated in tooltips in Chart Builder.
  • (SQL Lab) We have re-enabled sharing of the saved queries.

1 Current formatting is supported in the following charts today: Area Chart, Line Chart, Big Number Chart, Funnel Chart, Gauge Chart, Heatmap, Line Chart, Mixed Chart, Pie Chart, Pivot Tables, Smooth Line Chart, Stepped Line Chart, Sunburst Chart, Tables, Treemap, WorldMap.

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June 28, 2023


  • We have deprecated three chart types: the (old) Pivot Table, Dual-Line Chart, and the (old) Treemap. The existing charts created with the old chart types in your workspaces have been automatically migrated to the new chart types, the (new) Pivot Table, Mixed Chart, and the (new) Treemap. See here to learn more about the differences between the new and old chart types.
    New chart types.png

  • We migrated the following api/v1 endpoints in preparation for Superset 3.0 upgrade.

Old PathNew Path
/superset/favstar//api/v1/dashboard, api/v1/chart//favorites/

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Chart) Table charts now support hyperlinks.
  • (Chart) You can manually adjust the lower bound of the y-axis to extend the logarithmic limit beyond 10 when a set of series contains zero values.
  • (Chart) In’s scatterplot chart, the size of the circles now correctly adjusts after changing the radius values.
  • (Chart) In’s Geojson chart, you can now select the line width unit in meters or pixels to properly display the line path
  • (Chart) The Time Shift feature in Chart Builder works when joining queries with different time granularity.
  • (Dataset) We added a tooltip to clarify metric_name in the “Edit Dataset” modal.
  • (Database) We fixed the issue with the expansion/collapsing dropdown in the “Advanced” tab of the database modal.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag - new feature

June 26, 2023

Product Announcement

Preset now integrates with dbt Cloud via its user interface1, enabling data teams to define data models (databases, datasets, and metrics) as version-controlled assets within dbt Cloud and to synchronize them with Preset Cloud. While we have been supporting integration with dbt Cloud and dbt Core through Preset CLI for some time, the new feature allows you to seamlessly sync the two tools via UI. Learn more here.

dbt cloud integration - announcement.png

1 The feature is available for teams on Preset’s Enterprise plan.

Release notes tag.png

June 1, 2023

New features

  • (Dashboard) You can now control which visualizations in the dashboards are impacted by cross-filters using “Cross-filtering scoping.”

Cross-filter scoping.png

  • (Chart)’s heatmap chart is now available in Preset. heatmap.png

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Dashboard) You can now export individual charts on dashboards in Excel (.xlsx) file format.
  • (Chart Builder) You can now see more details about the data types in a tooltip when you hover over the “#” and “abc” icons of the type column options in the “metadata” panel.
  • (Chart) The same colors are no longer repeated for distinct labels if the color palette has more colors than what the chart requires.
  • (Chart) When updating a chart with a new dataset and a different chart type, the filters will populate using columns from the new dataset.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed the issue where typing and using “Enter” to select the table broke the “SQL Lab” screen layout.
  • (Alert) The current user will pre-populate as the default owner in the “Alert” modal during new alert initialization1.

1 This feature is available for teams on Preset's Professional and Enterprise plans.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag - new feature

May 24, 2023

Product Announcement

Find more insights with Drill By!
Drill By, the latest drilling functionality in Preset, makes data analysis easier by allowing the slicing and dicing of data directly in the visualizations. Unlike the traditional "drill-down", you can filter and group by any dimension in your dataset in any order.

Drill By Main.gif

Release notes tag.png

May 18, 2023

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) We added a new field called "Column Data Types" to the "CSV Upload" form, allowing users to specify data types for columns in the uploaded file. This addresses the issue where text columns in the Redshift database were converted to varchar columns with character limits.
  • (Dashboard) Search input in the filters is retained while you select values containing the same search input, making it easier to select multiple values.
  • (Dashboard) We have fixed the issue that caused dashboard filters to stop working properly on some legacy charts (e.g., Heatmap and Bar Chart (legacy)) after we introduced the non-temporal x-axis.
  • (Chart) Big Number charts support conditional formatting (coloring), allowing you to easily see how the numbers compare to goals, forecasts, or expectations in real-time.
  • (Chart) You can now define the secondary y-axis bounds in Mixed Charts.
  • (Chart) The Calendar Heatmap chart is available again in the visualization library.
  • (Chart) Time grain now works properly for Pivot v2 charts.
  • (Chart) Results from editing a Table chart used in a dashboard are now saved and loaded properly in the Chart Builder view.
  • (Chart) The scrollbar no longer flashes on and off when resizing the browser size in the Chart Builder view.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

May 3, 2023

New features

  • (Dashboard) You can now assign specific colors to the series values based on the color scheme index, making it possible to maintain the assigned colors while changing color schemes.

Assigning color index.png

  • (Chart Builder) You can now export your chart data to Excel. The feature is available for most charts excluding “legacy” charts.
  • (Admin) Usage metrics are available for all teams on the Enterprise plan by default, allowing Workspace Admins to track stats such as the volumes of active users and chart and dashboard assets created1.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (SQL Lab) We added a loading spinner that appears in the the "Save or Overwrite Dataset" modal when overwriting existing datasets.
  • (SQL Lab) When copying results to the clipboard from the query history, the header row is now included.
  • (Chart Builder) The "Custom SQL" popover for ad-hoc columns is now resizable, making it easier to write SQL expressions.
  • (Chart) We fixed an issue with the context menu crashing when there were no dimensions selected in some ECharts.
  • (Chart) Bar totals now sort correctly when applying multi-series sorting on the categorical x-axis. You can also sort charts by total bar height, even when charts contain multiple metrics.

1 The feature is available to Preset teams on the Enterprise plan only.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

April 20, 2023


Dive into specific series values using the Legend Selector: The "Legend Selector" feature in Preset charts allows you to zoom into specific series values by selecting or inverting the selection of the legend items. This provides greater flexibility and is particularly useful when you want to compare a few series values among many.
Legend Selector.gif

New features

  • (Chart) You can disable data caching on specific charts by implementing a chart "cache timeout" value of -1.
    Disable caching in chart.png

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Dashboard) You will now see only the charts you own or have created in the dashboard editor, making it easier to add them to your dashboard. You can still access charts created by others by unclicking the “Show only my charts” checkbox.
  • (Dashboard) We fixed the false error message about loading databases that appeared when charts were imported via a dashboard import.
  • (Dashboard) Dashboard time range filters correctly apply to charts and are saved without deleting chart-level time filters.
  • (Dashboard) Column names are human-readable and easier to read in dashboard cross-filters.
  • (Chart) You can now define up to 1,000 annotations in Chart Builder, giving teams more flexibility in how they add context to a chart.
  • (Chart) We improved the Table chart’s configuration panel in Chart Builder to make time filter selection more intuitive and consistent with other chart types.
  • (Chart) Time range filters are applied to Preset’s legacy charts only if there are no additional time filters applied in order to prevent the application of double time filters.
  • (Chart) The labels for ad-hoc columns (custom columns / metrics defined in SQL Lab) render correctly in the tooltips of the plugin heatmap charts.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

Release notes tag.png

April 13, 2023


Use Preset with CSV files without database connection: Sometimes waiting for your data team to connect a database to Preset can get in the way of using Preset. Now, anyone can create charts and dashboards immediately upon account sign up by uploading CSV files (without connecting to a database first). Learn more here.


Customize your charts with more sorting options: Additional sorting features are now available in Chart Builder to help you visualize your data in the way you want. The new sorting configuration options include:

  • The categorical x-axis can now be sorted in Bar Charts, Line Charts, Area Charts, Scatter Plots, Smooth Line Plots, and Stepped Line Charts.
  • Series values can be sorted by "minimum", "maximum", "total", and "average".
  • The sorting order can be switched between ascending and descending orders.


New features

  • (Charts) You can now create a stream graph using Preset’s area and bar charts.
  • (Charts) The Country Map chart supports a new country, Sri Lanka.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) The drop-down menu in the “Connect a database” modal properly shows database options when using the latest ClickHouse driver.
  • (SQL Lab) You can use the dataset() macro in Preset, which allows for querying physical and virtual datasets in SQL Lab. The macro is useful if you have defined computed columns and metrics on your datasets and want to reuse the definition in ad-hoc SQL Lab queries.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed the issue where the "schedule query" option showed up in SQL Lab even when the option was not configured.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed the error message that occurred for undefined parameters that were not used in the query.
  • (Dashboard) The time and numerical dashboard filters now support cascading, allowing the filter options to be dependent on the values selected in other filters.
  • (Other) When using Preset through Safari browsers, Safari will no longer autocomplete irrelevant items by searching names from your address book where the label contains the word "name".

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

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March 22, 2023


Non-temporal X-axis is now generally available (GA). The updated X-axis allows you to visualize trends and patterns over variables beyond temporal dimensions in Preset charts (formally known as time-series charts). This feature was in beta and is generally available (GA), with chart names and the Chart Builder interactions updated in this release. Read our blog to discover what's changed in detail.
Mixed Chart non-temporal.png

Enhancements and fixes

  • (General) The “Explore” view has been renamed as the “Chart Builder” view to better reflect its functionality.
  • (Dashboard) Users without the proper dashboard editing permission (i.e., Viewers) can no longer enable or disable cross-filters on the dashboard.
  • (Dashboard) You can now select text in cells of the table charts and pivot table charts without triggering cross-filters.
  • (Dashboard) You can now apply cross-filters to only the charts containing compatible datasets without causing database errors on the remaining charts with incompatible datasets.
  • (Dashboard) The “Search” icon in the FiltersBadge, which indicates where the cross-filter is emitted from, is clearly visible on hover.
  • (Dashboard) Cross-filters apply correctly when you create a new dashboard or add a new chart to an existing dashboard.
  • (Dashboard) Cross-filters applied to time-shifted series return expected behaviors.
  • (Dashboard) We fixed an issue that caused the dashboard to get stuck in the loading state when it contained an out-of-scope filter with the "Select first filter value by default" enabled.
  • (Dashboard) Clicking the “cross-filter search” icon in the dashboard filter bar no longer grays out the entire dashboard.
  • (Chart Builder) We fixed the blank state of the "Customize" panel issue in the Chart Builder view of the Heatmap charts.
  • (Chart Builder) When exploring a chart in the Chart Builder view after applying a cross-filter on an ad-hoc column, the filter now correctly translates to the SQL ad-hoc filter.
  • (Trino database) The table charts correctly display timestamps with timezones in Safari browsers when you query datasets created from the Trino SQL query engine.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

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March 9, 2023


Cross-filtering is available to all users by default, enabling self-serve data exploration: Users with any workspace-level role can now apply cross-filters in dashboards, making it easier to understand the nuances of data and tell their story. Cross-filtering allows users to interact with a chart or a table and apply the same filters to other visualizations in the dashboard without having to set up persistent filters in the dashboard filter bar. Previously, cross-filtering needed to be enabled by Workspace Admins and Contributors through the Chart Builder view; now users with Viewer access can set up cross-filters and self-Chart Builder their data.

Cross-filtering in dashboards.gif

Key cross-filtering updates in this release include:

  • You can immediately apply cross-filters in the dashboards. The chart creator no longer has to mark a chart as usable for cross-filtering.
  • You can see applied cross-filters in the vertical and horizontal filter bars.
  • Graph charts and world maps are eligible for cross-filtering.
  • Cross-filtering is no longer accessible through the Chart Builder view.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (RBAC) The data access role, Database Access, lets you see all dashboards, charts, and datasets associated with the databases you have access permissions for in their list views1.
  • (Database) You can edit the SSH tunneling setting for existing databases connected to Preset using the dynamic form2.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

1: This feature is available on the Professional and Enterprise subscriptions only.
2: This feature is available on the Enterprise subscription only.

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February 28, 2023


  • UI support for SSH Tunneling1: Setting up secure connections via SSH Tunneling is made easier in this release. In addition to the API or SQL Alchemy forms announced earlier, you can now connect your database and Preset via an SSH tunnel using a dynamic form. SSH tunneling provides an additional layer of security by directing data traffic to flow inside an encrypted SSH connection, acting as an alternative to native data encryption.

SSH tunneling.png

  • More intuitive workflow for creating datasets: The new workflow for creating datasets allows users to have a better understanding of the hierarchy of a database, schema, and tables. Users can create a new dataset from a table that has no associated dataset, and they will be prompted to view the existing dataset if it has already been created for the table.

Dataset creation workflow.gif

New features

  • (Chart) Apache EChart’s Sunburst Chart is available in Preset.

Fixes and enhancements

  • (Database) The allow_dml field is included when a database is exported and is used when the database is imported.
  • (Database) A new configuration,  DATASET_IMPORT_ALLOWED_DATA_URLS, is available, allowing admins to define a list of regular expressions to allow URLs to import data.
  • (Dataset) Expression and description are passed to duplicated datasets to preserve calculated columns.
  • (Dataset) We clarified the error message for dataset import.
  • (SQL Lab) We clarified database error messages for Databricks.
  • (Dashboard) We updated Select to correctly handle disabled options on “Select All.”
  • (Dashboard) The time range filter now loses focus after closing its modal, removing the graying-out effect on charts that are not in scope.
  • (Chart Builder) You can now edit and save the title of a custom metric.
  • (Chart Builder) You can save a new metric when the UX_BETA feature flag is turned on.
  • (Chart Builder) We enhanced the filter logic to prevent the removal of the last temporal filter from a chart.
  • (Chart) The dashboard owners are correctly removed from the chart owners after deleting the charts from the dashboard where they were inserted.
  • (Chart) Tables now correctly handle emojis and accents.
  • (Alerts & Reports) We updated the width of the reports to display them properly 2
  • (Alerts & Reports) Reports are generated on https.
  • (Other) We fixed the visual regression with the floating action button (FAB) dropdown menus.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

1: This feature is available on the Enterprise subscription only.
2: This feature is available on the Professional and Enterprise subscriptions only.

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February 6, 2023

New features

  • (User Permissions) The new workspace role, “Secondary Contributor,” allows users to have full workspace contributor access (e.g., dataset creation/editing) subject to data restrictions as defined by the data access role. Learn more about the workspace roles.
    Secondary Contributor.png

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February 1, 2023

New features

  • Secure database connections via SSH Tunneling1: Set up a secure connection between your database and Preset via API or SQL Alchemy forms. SSH tunneling provides an additional layer of security by directing data traffic to flow inside an encrypted SSH connection, acting as an alternative to native data encryption.
    SSH Tunneling SQL Alchemy.png

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Alerts & Reports) The dropdown menu in the ”Alerts & Reports” modal correctly updates when a user switches from one alert option to another2.
  • (Alerts & Reports) We made improvements to logging the Slack API errors3.
  • (Database) We fixed the error related to the Databricks connector driver by removing whitespace in the http_path.
  • (Database) You can now estimate the cost of running queries on the BigQuery database.
  • (Dashboard, SQL Lab) You can now "Select All" items in the dashboard filter dropdown menus.
  • (Dashboard) A loading animation (loading spinner) displays while a dashboard is being saved.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed the JSON SQL Lab displaying an incorrect value due to Javascript's max integer on 64-bit IDs.
  • (Charts) The "View in SQL Lab" option in the “Chart Builder” view of the “Charts” page is only available to users with the necessary permissions to access the SQL Lab.
  • (Charts) The "View in SQL Lab" and “Edit Dataset” options in the “Chart Builder” view of the “Charts” page are displayed only when a dataset is linked to a chart, and we clarified the error message.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

1, 2, 3: These features are available on Professional and Enterprise subscriptions only.

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January 11, 2023

New features

  • (Chart) We added support for user-specific chart thumbnails, limiting the risk of sensitive data leakage in an environment where user impersonation is used.

Enhancements & fixes

  • (Database) You can now import Snowflake’s encrypted_extra field for authentication.
  • (Database) We made enhancements to load the Google Sheets connection form.
  • (SQL Lab) We display a clearer syntax error message for BigQuery databases.
  • (Dashboard) You can now edit the filter selection directly from the filter cards in both vertical and horizontal filter bars through the Edit (pencil) icon.
  • (Dashboard) We added a tooltip to the horizontal filter bar, allowing you to quickly see which filters are applied to the dashboard.
  • (Dashboard) We made enhancements to the styling of the horizontal filter bar.
  • (Dashboard) The “More Filters” dropdown in the horizontal filter bar shows additional filters in the correct order as specified by a user.
  • (Dashboard) The “Owners” column on the Dashboard page shows the correct owners after editing.
  • (Dashboard): We fixed the position and unintended closing of the time range filter’s popover screen in the horizontal filter bar.
  • (Dashboard) We disabled button resizing in the horizontal filter bar to fixate the button position.
  • (Chart) You can now save a Handlebar chart without CSS text. A tooltip containing the required HTML sanitization will also be displayed when using CSS.
  • (Chart) We removed the “Dashboards added to” column on the Charts page to resolve occasional page crashing issues.
  • (Chart) We fixed the overflowing of the header and footer in the table charts.
  • (Other) We added an option to log errors on the server side to help debug issues.
  • (Other) We removed timestamp precision for custom python datetime conversion to enable time range filters for Trino query engine.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

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Introducing Horizontal Filter Bar (December 20, 2022)

We’re excited to launch the horizontal filter bar, giving you more options to configure your Preset dashboards. If you're embedding Preset dashboards into a custom application, placing dashboard filters above the charts improves the usability and readability of the visualizations.
Dashboard horizontal filter bar.gif

The horizontal filter bar functions just like the vertical filter bar (see Dashboard Filtering to learn more). To select the placement of the filter bar, click on the gear icon in the “Filters” column of the “Dashboard” tab.

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December 14, 2022


  • Self-serve exploration with Drill to Detail: Explore the granular data that makes up specific values directly from the chart. As you filter down the dashboard for the data that meets your specific criteria, Drill to Detail will display the underlying data that corresponds to the applied filters in a tabular format. Follow Drilling to Chart Details for more details.

Drill to detail.gif

New features

  • (Database) You can now connect your Preset instance to Databricks by providing the required credentials in a dynamic form, making it easier for non-technical users to connect to the database. Connection through SQLAlechemy URI is still supported.

Enhancements & fixes

  • (Dataset) We resolved an infinite rendering loop issue that occurred occasionally on the Chart Builder page during dataset editing.
  • (Database) We organized the CSV file upload form with an expandable and collapsable grouping feature, making it easier to navigate.
  • (Database) An error message for database connection is properly displayed in the basic tab of the “Connect a Database” modal.
  • (Database) We clarified the “con” field by renaming it to “database” in the Columnar and Excel upload forms.
  • (SQL Lab) Autocomplete options are properly displayed when you write queries in a new tab.
  • (Dashboard) Chart content resizes properly when you switch between tabs.
  • (Charts) The “Columns” section is added back to the side menu of the Preset Chart Builder when you open it on saved datasets.
  • (Charts) Tooltips stay displayed correctly when they overflow out of the chart box.
  • (Charts) A pointer no longer hovers over a tooltip.
  • (Chart Builder) We fixed an error that occurred when you updated a chart by changing the underlying dataset and the visualization type on the Chart Builder page.
  • (Alerts & reports) We fixed text alignment in the CRON Schedule selector1.
  • (API) Permission API allows INVITEE to be added as a grantee for a Data Access Role (DAR) permission2.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

1 The feature is only available for the Preset Professional and Enterprise plan users.
2 The feature is only available for the Preset Enterprise plan users.

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December 5, 2022

Enhancements & fixes

  • (Database) We updated the form for uploading CSV files to improve user navigation.
  • (Database) A schema is auto-selected when choosing a database with a single schema.
  • (Database) ClickHouse's official driver, ClickHouse Connect, is supported.
  • (Dashboard) Users are now prompted to confirm overwrite when updating values in the "CSS Editor" and "Configuring Filter Scopes" to prevent unintended changes.
  • (Dashboard API) We added the "Chart ID" field to the result payload of the /api/v1/dashboard/<pk>/charts endpoint in accordance with the OpenAPI Specification1.
  • (Chart) Chart files with empty chart_slug can now be exported.
  • (SQL Lab) We added the template parameters in KVStore to make it easier to share queries.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

1: This feature is available on the Preset Enterprise plan.

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November 16, 2022


  • Enhanced experience for Preset Professional trials1: We improved the product experience to help new teams plan their free trial of the Preset Professional plan. Features exclusive to the Professional plan (i.e., not included in the Starter plan) are marked with the "sparkle" icon, making it easier to prioritize which features to test during the 14-day trial period.
    Reverse trial sparkle.png

Enhancements and fixes

  • (Database) We allow only JSON files to be selected in the file dialog for selecting credentials for BigQuery.
  • (Database) We improved the BigQuery database connection error message related to the service account's roles and permissions.
  • (Database) We added pre-load validation to the schema used for databases CRUD to support old payload with encrypted_extra.
  • (Dataset) We improved data validation on Datasource save and sanitized the default endpoint on datasets.
  • (Dataset) We fixed an issue for which the default temporal column wasn't picked up correctly.
  • (Chart Builder) We improved the metadata language and tooltip placement.
  • (Chart Builder) A modal for saving charts displays an error message instead of failing silently.
  • (Dashboard) The background color of a chart when you "download (it) as image" matches Superset's theme color.
  • (Dashboard) Auto refresh intervals are no longer hard-coded and can be properly configured.
  • (Native filters) The panels stay expanded in native filters when you switch between the filters.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed the erroneous message about missing parameters that appeared when saving a dataset created from charts powered by SQL queries.
  • (Alerts and reports) We bumped Gecko and Mozilla in the Dockerfile to resolve an error that users saw with alerts and reports.
  • (Other) We deprecated approve and request_access endpoints.
  • (Other) We added logging for SPA route navigation with React router to fix an issue with LoggerMiddleware sending malformed log payloads.
  • (Other) We put in control to check that imported files are ZIP files.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

1 The feature is available for new users using Preset during the trial period.

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November 4, 2022


We built additional logic in the navigation to create and find your datasets, charts, and dashboards easier.

  • Creating datasets from the menu button: You will now see the option to create a dataset upon clicking "+" menu in the navigation bar after connecting a database.
    v2022.43 hero.gif

  • Cross-referencing between charts and dashboards: You can now confidently edit charts and datasets while understanding which dashboards or charts may be impacted. You will see which charts are on which dashboards and what datasets power which charts, improving the ability to understand how changing individual objects impacts other aspects of the workspace.
    Screen Shot 2022-10-25 at 10.17.56 PM.png

New features

  • Added layer of security with content security policy check: The new Content Security Policy (CSP) check verifies if a policy is defined or not to help detect and mitigate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. If the policy is not defined, you will see a warning message. For deployments that manage CSP with other software, this check can be disabled using the CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_WARNING configuration.

Enhancements and fixes

  • (SQL Lab) We updated the timer to use a monospace font so its width doesn't change.
  • (SQL Lab) We fixed a bug where "Ctrl+X" would not properly stop querying in the "SQL Lab."
  • (Chart Builder) We show a warning about breaking a chart with custom SQL when a user changes the database.
  • (Chart Builder) Commas have been enabled in number format to make reading easier.
  • (Chart Builder) We ensured that unknown URL parameters would be preserved in the URL.
  • (Chart Builder) We fixed a regression in which the URL parameters were not persisted to the form data.
  • (Chart Builder) We resolved the issue where the date range in "Chart Builder" resulted in runtime errors.
  • (Plugin) We fixed build and runtime errors associated with the Handlebars viz plugin.
  • (Other) We disabled HTML rendering in the error pop-up notification by default.
  • (Other) We enhanced color consistency across charts.
  • (Other) We added CRLF line separators for Windows.

To learn more about the features and enhancements included in this release, visit Apache Superset Pull Request.

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